Madaz started with a $50,000 account on May 26, 2020 and generated $4.17 Million in trading profits or an 8,250% Return in just 7 Months by the End of 2020 (May 26, 2020 to December 31, 2020)
Maintained a 93% Win Rate Over the Entire 7 Months
Most of the Profits came in the first 15 Minutes of the Trading Day (9:30AM – 9:45AM EST)
Aggregate Green Every Single Day with Tuesday and Thursday being the Most Profitable Days
May 26, 2020 – December 31, 2020 Totals: +$4,175,315.87
May 2020: +$67,941.24
June 2020: +$536,437.29
July 2020: +$835,711.90
August 2020: +$645,960.71
September 2020: +$1,183,923.49
October 2020: -$92,351.90
November 2020: +$930,362.12
December 2020: +$67,331.01
P/L Sorted by Symbol: Generated +$1,817,490.47 in profits solely from $TSLA
Note: There may be some minor discrepancies between PropReports and the actual final broker statements due the slight differences in the ways the trades are uploaded into the system, rounding issues in the calculating of fees, and other unknown reasons. However the numbers from the actual statements directly from the broker are accurate. Also, for unknown reasons, the “Ending Balance” in the Prop Reports screenshots is not accurate. Please disregard that.